倪彦星,硕士,毕业于上海大学。软件设计师、经济师。研究方向为信息化教学、专门用途英语。主要讲授商业数学与统计、基础会计、计算机应用、商务文件等课程。参与市厅级课题多项,主持市局级、校级课题、精品课程多项,参与教学资源库建设,开发教学类软件多个,专业技能竞赛主持人之一,编写校本教材1本,发表论文多篇。获校第二届“说课”技能竞赛优胜奖、校第三届“说课”技能竞赛三等奖,2011年度宁波市教育督导听课“优良”等级,2012年澳方海外教师“银”奖,2014年获“我心目中的好老师”提名奖,获2013-2016年度获校级优秀教师。 |
胡亚能,硕士毕业于诺丁汉大学,主要讲授中澳相关会计课程并担任班主任工作。在教学中因材施教、敢于创新,善于利用各种教学方法将枯燥的传统会计课堂变得魅力四射,深受广大师生的喜爱。在科研中主持一项校级教改课程,一项网络课程,参与多项各级课题,并撰写多篇相关教学论文。 |
周梦茜,硕士毕业于澳大利亚墨尔本大学,会计专业。主要讲授经济学、会计学原理、财务报告、会计电算化等课程。授课风格多样,课堂氛围活跃,善于激励学生,具有亲和力。善于融入信息化于教学中,曾获校信息化教学设计一等奖。多次参与宁波市哲社科研课题,主持校级教改课题和网络课程。现为VET运用与研究中心成员,致力于探索大学生岗位创业的相关实践。 |
金菁,硕士毕业于英国华威大学,中级经济师,注册管理会计师(CMA)。主要讲授管理会计,公司财务报表等课程。主持校级网络课程(管理会计)和校级教改课题1项。获得2012年度校级优秀辅导员、2013年市级优秀团干部、2015年校级优秀教师、2016届毕业生工作先进个人、2015年校级微课竞赛二等奖和2016年校级信息化教学设计三等奖等奖励。 | 任洁华,硕士,毕业于美国印第安纳大学凯利商学院,会计专业。主要讲授会计基础、会计英语等课程。授课善于采用多媒体教学,教学资源丰富多样化,课堂气氛活跃,善于调动学生的学习兴趣,曾兼职辅导员、教学教务等工作,学生工作经验丰富,与学生交流风趣亲和,没有距离感。善于将信息化工具融入于日常教学中。多次主持、参与宁波市哲社科研课题、市教育规划课题,主持多项校级课题,发表多篇相关论文等。现为宁波市品牌升级研究基地、VET运用与研究中心成员。
Ken,Bachelor in Economics, Master in Business Administration, Candidate of Doctorate in Business administration at Durham University, with industrial experience in Business Process Outsourcing, Financial Consultancy, and TAFE teaching with Holmesglen, one of the most popular teachers at ZBTI. | Leon Katz is a Holmesglen Taxation teacher in Higher Education and vocational programs.Leon is both a teacher and a professional.He is self employed and conducts business in Bookkeeping, Accounting, Business Activity Statements and Tax.His expertise includes consultations on companies, Individuals, Family Trusts and Self-Managed Superannuation Funds.Leon is an Independent contractor to Tax Agent and Small Business.Leon enjoys working with teachers and students in cross-cultural experiences.He has taught Accounting in Ningbo and Jinan. |
Peter McCarthy is currently the Accountant for Selena Pty Ltd an educational consulting company. Mr McCarthy is a graduate of the University of Melbourne, a Fellow of the Australian society of Certified Practicing Accountants, has an honours Grad. Dip in Internal Auditing and a Cert 1V in Training and Assessment (TAE 40110). He has held several Government executive positions requiring extensive applied knowledge in accounting and commercial law, viz; Taxation Investigator, State Director Internal Audit (ATO and Victorian Ministry of Education), Chief Finance Officer at both Gellibrand and Holmesglen TAFE’s and Manager Resources Management (OTFE). In private enterprise, Mr McCarthy operated his own business education consultancy firm. This included work for State and Federal Government Departments, TAFE Institutes in all states and other private and semi government bodies. In all he has been involved in the audit/review of hundreds of Registered Training Organisations, industry Training Boards, Group training Companies, Community Based Providers and ACFE Regional Offices. International education projects have been a specialty where he has provided commercial and financial expertise in India, Bahrain, Qatar, Indonesia, and Mongolia. He recently conducted classes for an Accounting Diploma in Ningbo China. | Janice Armstrong,Janice Armstrong is from Sydney, Australia (born and educated in London, Britain). Her major is Business and she ran her own fashion consultancy business in Sydney for 27 years. Janice is a CELTA-trained (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) teacher and has been teaching in ZBTI for many years now. Many of her students have gone on to higher education in Universities around the world (China, Australia, USA, Malaysia).
James Brown,James Brown is from Manchester, United Kingdom. His major is international relations and history. He previously worked in schools in the UK and has been teaching in China since 2012 and is currently studying Chinese. James likes people who want to learn and will help anybody who helps themselves. Many of his students have been successful in going on to further study and employment.
Martin Rodrigue,Martin Rodrigue is from Ottawa, Canada. He's done many jobs while studying both Computer Networking and International Business, but has found his passion in teaching. He's been teaching in ZBTI for over 2 years with prior experience in training schools in Ningbo. He loves travelling and doesn't mind sharing his experience of living in other countries to help students get started on their road to a brighter future. |
Warren Pinkelton,Warren Pinkelton is from the State of Florida in the US. He was a college professor at Seminole State and Valencia Colleges. He is currently teaching English in the Business English department at ZBTI. He teaches business English and communication for the international business major program. |
Jack Thorburn,Jack Thorburn is from Edinburgh, UK. His major is History which he studied at the University of Edinburgh. Jack has been teaching for two years and taught at English First before moving to ZBTI in 2016. |
Nicolas,Nicolas is from Norwich, UK. He's a CELTA qualified ESL teacher with experience teaching in a wide range of environments. His lessons are dynamic and engaging with many activities that have the students learning by doing. He’s a travel enthusiast and has travelled much of China. Ask him about Chinese food.